Monday, August 4, 2008

Vitamin e pills and acne and info on acne herbal recipe

There are several effective methods available these days to treat cystic acne. Don't expect acne creams and gets to work wonders when the skin is suffering from cystic acne. Experts suggest injectable medication or oral antibiotics that are required to cure the cystic acne. You should visit a good doctor to prescribe you some effective drugs to treat cystic acne. Under circumstances where initial antibiotic treatment proves ineffective, your doctor will prescribe you a stronger medication course to treat the problems.
Proactiv Solution - Now we reach the most effective product. Sorry but I had to throw a bad product in the mix. You would think spending $60 on their solution pack, it would atleast work? Nope, it didn't do anything for me. Nothing whatsoever. It didn't even make my acne worse, what a waste of money! 1 out of 5.
When your pores are blocked, and the bacterias that have all the time exist in your pores and skin will feast on the mixture. In other words they will try to survive a little bit longer by consuming the sebum, which is a kind of oil. The bacterias will then infect your pores and cause acne breakouts.
tags: how to cure acne marks, home remedies to get rid of acne and acne scars, home remedies for acne free skin

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